Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Creating A Staff Wiki

My library could use a wiki for the education of the staff on certain procedures in regard to building operations.  We already have a wiki that explains how to run the reference desk and use patron account management software.  This wiki helps the library tremendously, as 16 or so staff members all contribute to working reference shifts throughout the week.  Creating a wiki that comprehensively explains the best practices for running its vault will not only help future members of the vault staff adjust to working in their new environment, but may also serve to educate current staff members on this crucial part of the library and may even allow them to contribute a shift in a similar fashion to the reference desk schedule (if they so desired).  Having a wiki that is accessible to all staff as an interactive manual to explain procedural conduct will supplement the training necessary to provide adequate and consistent service among various and interchangeable employees. 

Therefore, the wiki of choice should best serve a library with the following characteristics:

1. Contains a common work area where staff regularly interact and share responsibilities.
2. Collaborates the schedules and abilities of a diverse and changing work force.
3. Provides a service that requires consistent attention and demands specific procedural steps.
4. Continually updates that service with new best practices and information.

The most appropriate wiki for meeting the requirements of this library is MediaWiki.  This Wiki is free software that is compatible with the Windows operating system, which we use on all staff computers.  MediaWiki provides commercial support as well as hosting, incurring no cost or hassle upon the library.  The Wiki features a sandbox mode for previewing pages, sentences, and other content with a convenient ability to make minor changes and adjustments, which is perfect for updating procedures and information.  MediaWiki also provides a page history, so that one may revert to a previous page to avoid misinformation or site vandalism.  Page templates are available for those desiring a simple layout, with WYSIWYG editing available as a Plugin.  One can upload graphics or sound using the file upload feature, enabling the addition of training videos or demonstrations to text procedures.  The Wiki also keeps track of edits by authoring user contributions in a sidebar or placing certain pages on a Watchlist, allowing for collaboration among expert staff.  One can also link to individual sections of the article, to reference an aforementioned procedure.  Overall, the cost of creation and knowledge required for start-up is minimal, allowing the creator to focus on content rather than format and presentation.  Ease of use and maintenance are the most compelling reasons for choosing this Wiki to create an interactive procedural manual.  


  1. Free is always nice, especially in a library environment, but to also have scalability as a feature would certainly make this particular wiki valuable.

  2. I like the idea of using a wiki for staff education and training. I never thought about using a wiki in this manner. It would be a great platform to use as information needs arise and change.
